Version 2.6 Revised March 20th 2016

 1 General

 1.1 Unless otherwise stated these rules apply to chalets and caravans alike.

 2 Application

2.1 Any unit in full membership may apply in writing to the committee to be considered for a recreational shelter site.

 2.2 If a site is not immediately available successful applicants will be placed on a waiting list and shall be informed by the committee when a site becomes available or a shelter vacated.

2.3 Every new applicant and existing site holders must sign a declaration agreeing to abide by the Recreational Shelter Rules.

3 Allocation

 3.1 The allocation of sites only shall be at the discretion of the committee who shall take into account length of membership, meritorious work or other service performed for the society by the applicant. This does not disqualify applications from existing site holders who wish to change their site.

 4 Location

4.1 The location and number of sites shall be at the discretion of the committee. There must be at least 6 metres distance between shelters.

4.2 Once a site has been allocated to a unit no subsequent Committee may rescind such allocation except where these rules provide. If the site concerned is required for future development an alternative site must be offered to the unit concerned.

5 Construction

5.1 Once a site has been allocated, maximum dimensions and precise location will be provided by the Committee. The unit must furnish the Committee with a specification in writing including material, and size of proposed shelter. The shelter must be of the type designated by the Committee and commensurate with the site allocated. In respects of huts erected after the passing of these rules, where the floor area exceeds 12 square meters a separate planning application may be required to be made by the Committee to the local authority. No recreational shelter (chalet) shall exceed a base line of 19 square metres or 204 square feet. No recreational shelter (caravan) shall exceed a length of 30 ft. (9.1 metres) 1 or a width of 12 ft. (3.66 metres) 2. These dimensions are subject to Rule 4.1 (There must be at least 6 metres distance between shelters). Rule 4.1 and 5.1 are also subject to any external regulations governing the distance between shelters e.g. Local Authority Fire Regulations.

5.2 Application for a supply of electricity must be made in writing to the Committee and any supply must be metered. The Committee may from time to time advise the maximum amps that may be taken from the supply.


 6 Maintenance

 6.1 All shelters must be kept clean and in good repair by their owners. The shelter site and adjacent area must be kept tidy.

6.2 Permission must be obtained from the Committee before any shrubs or trees are planted or removed. No planting or screening shall be done in such a way to form an enclosure.

7 Finance

7.1 Shelter site fees shall be determined by the A.G.M. and shall be payable on the same date as the Annual Subscription.

7.2 Reasonable access shall be given to the Committee for electricity meter reading and the appropriate charge paid.

7.3 Electricity readings are required at least once a year.

7.4 All electricity meters, when they exceed 10 years of age, must be changed (at the site holder’s expense).

 8 Disposal

 8.1 Any unit wishing to give up a site, whether remaining a member of the society or not, must give notice in writing to the Committee of their intention to give up such a site. Once received this cannot be rescinded unless there is unforeseen circumstances which the committee will deal with at the time. Such notice shall state whether the unit wishes to remove from the society’s grounds, or sell to another member, any shelter on their site. If the unit wishes to sell its shelter ‘in situ’ the committee will inspect the shelter to deem whether it has a value or not. If the shelter has no value the vendor will be required to remove from club grounds within 28 days. Failure to do so shall invoke rule 8.3. If the committee deem there is a value then a fair price will be agreed depending on the condition of the shelter. Any eligible member who applies for the site will be accepting the value placed on the shelter and therefore is agreeing to pay the advertised price for the shelter, without negotiation. A notice shall be posted on the society’s notice board and will contain the shelter price including any contents.

The Committee must approve any new site holder and no such sale shall take place without the written permission of the Committee.

 8.2 If the unit wishes to remove its shelter from the society’s grounds, or sell it to another member for removal from the society’s grounds, such removal shall take place within 28 days.

 8.3 If after the expiration of the time limit the shelter has not been removed it shall become the property of the society and shall be disposed of by the Committee in any way they deem proper, following written notification to the owner.

 8.4 Any shelter-owning unit ceasing to be a member of the society, for whatever reason, shall be bound by these rules for the disposal and/or removal of their shelter.

 8.5 In the event of the death of the last surviving full member of a shelter owning unit whose children are active members of the society, the shelter and the site will be passed on to the children providing they are fulfilling their obligations to the society under the rules of the society.

 8.6 Where the above cannot be applied, the Committee shall inform the next of kin and/or executors, administrators or trustees of the estate and the same option as to removal or selling the shelter shall be exercised by the next of kin, executor, administrator or trustee and the provision of rule 8 shall apply. If no next of kin, executor, administrator or trustee can be found, the Committee shall dispose of the shelter in any way they deem proper.

9 Alterations

9.1 A shelter owning unit wishing to replace or enlarge their shelter or wishing to construct any external structures must first obtain written permission from the committee who then may require specifications and details. The same as required by Rule 5.

10 General

10.1 Any matters arising with reference to shelters or sites, which are not covered by these rules, shall be dealt with by the Committee in their absolute discretion.

10.2 If the Committee determine, following enquiries of the site holding unit that a shelter is the subject of avoidable neglect and/or lack of use an appropriate warning shall be issued. If the avoidable neglect and/or lack of use continues during the following membership year the unit concerned shall be informed on or before March 1st that their site allocation will be discontinued at the end of that membership year.

10.3 All shelter owners should carry at least third party insurance

11 Guidance To Site Holders

The committee are conscious in formatting these rules that sites are allocated to members in good faith in respect of both usage and maintenance and site holders should be fully aware that there is a waiting list for sites.

When the committee considers whether a site is in use, it shall expect the site to have been used for a minimum of 12 separate visits per membership year. Visiting the club for activities such as functions, sauna, to see friends etc., without using your shelter, will not be considered use of a shelter by the committee. The committee will consider any extenuating circumstances such as illness etc. prior to making any decision.

Members who lose their sites, or voluntarily give them up, will be welcome and encouraged to retain their membership of the club, and to avail themselves of all facilities.


 1 Agreed at 2004 AGM.

2 Agreed at 2013 AGM.

3 Agreed at 2016 AGM.